Electric Vehicle (EV) History

old electric vehicleThe invention of EVs is not new and has been around since 1828, with the first EV in the U.S. in 1890. Not only are EVs not a new concept, neither is the progression of how we fuel or charge our vehicles. The improvement in EV technology is eerily similar to the birth of the “for purpose” gas station. ICE vehicles began with consumers purchasing fuel from local pharmacies. Similar to how we stop at a grocery or department store in search of a power source or when we cannot leave our home because we must remain plugged in to provide us enough range to drive our parents around. In the early years of the combustion engine and in these early years of the electric vehicles, consumers are simply owners of an inconvenient luxury.


The EV Gas Station of the Future

"Ko-Go is the EV “gas” station of the future providing “For Purpose” charging services. Gas stations paved the path of the “For Purpose” vehicle service stations and are the EV stations’ most appropriate direct and indirect competitor. The similarities between gas and EV station revolve around their establishment and consumer needs. The first “purpose” gas station in the United State opened in 1905 in St. Louis, MO. followed by the opening of Standard Oil of California, ie. Chevron in Oregon, 1907. It was California that expanded and modernized “For Purpose” gas stations to what we know today.


Prior to the opening of “purpose” gas stations, the consumer had to travel to their local pharmacies to purchase gas using small gas cans, making the use of the automobile an inconvenient luxury. Currently the United States is experiencing a similar trend that EVs are simply an inconvenient luxury that’s quickly becoming the desired means of transportation. Consumer convenience is the most important factor when transitioning from one technological advance to the next, for example the latest iPhone is faster and more convenient.

The consumer need for convenient gas purchases and service demanded the shift to “For Purpose” fueling as ICE vehicles saturated the market. Today EVs are saturating the market at record rates while driving consumer demand for convenient fast charging services. EV charging began its journey on slow Lvl. 1 home charging units (18+ hours to fully charge an EV). This is analogous with consumers who had to purchase their gas from local pharmacies, inconvenient, slow, and only temporary. With the opening of commercial gas/EV stations, consumers fill their vehicles quickly with the amount of gas/kilowatts they need or want. The slow growth of EV charging stations eerily resembles the historical development and trends of gas stations signifying that now is the time to act to accommodate surging EV charging demand.

Charging solutions for commercial business and Air BnB owners.
Learn the answers to some of our most asked questions about mobile charging.
Learn about EV history and how its changing the future of driving.

Thinking of Switching to EV?

Time to replace that worn-out vehicle that continues to cost you more and more money in monthly repairs? If you are ready for lower maintenance cost and want a vehicle that is more energy efficient, than maybe a hybrid or fully electric vehicle is right for you.

Many hybrids and EVs still qualify for Federal Tax Credits. With consumer options rapidly expanding, be sure to find the vehicle that is right for you. Visit the US Department of Energy website. Follow the link for more information.

Tell Me More

Ko-Go LLC is a small business owned Commercial EV Charging company in the beautiful state of New Hampshire (NH). Every year NH generates $3.5B - $5B annually in tourism revenue from consumers visiting our shorelines, lakes, white mountains, and trails. The majority of visitors drive their own vehicles to enjoy as much of NH as they can per visit. However, NH is the 4th state in the U.S. in EV ownership per capita without a robust EV charging infrastructure to support these EV drivers. Ko-Go is going to change that! We here at Ko-Go are committed to expanding the reach of all electric vehicles and are building “For-Purpose” commercial EV charging Stations. Watch for our grand opening of the Rochester station coming soon.

Mailing address: Ko-Go, LLC930 NH Route 16•Ossipee, NH 03864